
Bookbinding & Fanfic – Apparently, It’s a Discussion

I've come to notice through a question in one of my online bookbinding community that there's some odd non-issue that is, for some reason or another, a big deal. Particularly to those who probably need a different hobby: bookbinding fanfiction. Not publishing it the same way that a regular book that sits in a bookstore... Continue Reading →

Join Me at WriteHive – The Free, All-Digital Writing Conference (June 7-9, 2024)

Click the pic to go to the site Today opens registration for WriteHive, an all-digital conference for writers. It's in its fifth year and I will be on two panels: Historians on History in Fiction War and Long-term Effects of War in Fiction The conference will be ran through Discord and videos will eventually be... Continue Reading →

Vangoal Dip Pens – Not Bad, As Long As You Only Need A Pen Holder

I recently needed to get a new dip pen holder for teaching a calligraphy session for the Latinx KidLit Auction and didn't like the usual holders of metal dip pen nibs that brands like Speedball would create. I've seen them for so long that I just wanted something different (and because my original nib holder... Continue Reading →

The Issue of Reading – And Why It’s No Surprise It’s an Issue (Or “Why Reading Is So Easy To Hate”)

Reading, according to some reports, is going downward. In the US, at least. I kind of have this one issue with reading: it's seen as some venerable, intellectual skill that only implies that someone is refined and utmost diligent. And so many people find the idea of reading noble - but boring. I have to... Continue Reading →

Beep Boop Beep: Error Report – Or “Spotify, Findaway Voices, AI Audiobooks, and the Problem of it All”

Firstly, what a wild ride it has been from the Hugos cocking up yet again because gotta love bullsh#ttery. Nice to know I'll super never be able to win a Hugo, either because they hand out awards to writers of color like Scrooge hands out charity or if I even get on the ballot (I... Continue Reading →

Donated Books for “The People of Gaza” Silent Auction

I'll be donating my books to an event held in Chicago called "The People for Gaza", a silent auction to raise funds to donate to Pious Projects a charity that fuels humanitarian aid for Palestine, as well as other affected areas. For those who don't exactly understand what's going on over on the West Bank,... Continue Reading →

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